Electric Vehicle Maintenance is Key to Maintaining City Bus Fleets
Electric Vehicle Maintenance Requires Professional Attention
Electric vehicle maintenance requires the attention of a committed team of highly trained professionals. One company specializing in heavy duty equipment repair and upkeep is Extreme Garage. Using a team approach, the company can inspect, test, diagnose, tune, overhaul, repair and maintain both heavy duty diesel and electrical units and vehicles. Detection and maintenance tasks include:
- DPF Maintenance, service, and cleaning
- Electrical diagnoses and repairs
- Electric vehicle maintenance, service, repair
- Electric component programming
- HD Powertrain service, repair, front end work and suspension
The teamwork approach involves highly trained heavy-duty mechanics experienced in the detection of mechanical and electrical issues, repair, and maintenance.

The Trend is Electric…
The world is going electric and, at some point in the foreseeable future, diesel buses will no longer be a smoke-emitting feature of our urban landscape. Electric buses are already becoming common.
In Canada, the goal is 5000 battery-electric buses in use over the next five years – and a complete move to all new buses being electric by 2040. Montreal and Vancouver are committed to 100 per cent zero emission transportation fleets by 2040 and 2050. However, the leader in the shift to electric is Toronto, which already has 60 electric buses in its fleet and another 300 vehicles on order.
The environmental benefits are clear – replacing a diesel bus takes 230,000 pounds of greenhouse gases out of the air. Electric buses have lower operating costs, and less cost volatility than internal combustion engines.
While some of the existing reasons for bus repair will continue – such as corrosion or accidents – the electric fleet will require a different skillset on the part of mechanics. For starters, they need to be educated in electrical safety, and the high voltage systems on these buses. The specialized training is augmented by personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to insulate mechanics from electric currents and battery chemicals.

Electric Vehicle Maintenance Includes Refurbishment
Whether a vehicle is electric or diesel-powered, it is still subject to the stress of road life in Canada’s somewhat trying climate. One way to dramatically extend the life of transportation vehicles is through refurbishment. Buses in high density urban settings require it every 8 to 10 years to deal with normal wear and tear, as well as corrosion from road salt and damp. A complete refurbishment can take up to two months to complete, depending on the level of structural corrosion, and is labour intensive.
The process of refurbishment involves several steps, beginning with a complete teardown of the vehicle – basically stripping it of all fixtures. This enables the corroded areas to be isolated and repaired. The mechanical elements – such as heaters – must be overhauled as well, before rebuilding and replacing can begin, along with painting. After the installation of the passenger furniture the vehicle is ready for its road test.
In addition to a mid-life refurbishment, city buses often need event-related repairs, such as collision damage. Fleets are constantly being upgraded as well, with new safety features and signage.
With the move away from diesel buses, electric vehicle maintenance is going to be increasingly important. The simplicity of electric vehicles is a bonus, but the same weather and use stresses remain.
Contact Us
Extreme Garage
39 Doughton Road
Concord, ON L4K 1P8
(905) 760-7676